Sharing a Panopto video on the Request Order Form

Share a Panopto video for captioning on the Request Order Form

1. Login to Canvas & select the Panopto button in the course sidebar

Currently, you must go through Canvas to get to Panopto videos. 

screenshot panopto share

2. If you already have a video in Panopto click "Share"

If you need to upload a video, click Create and upload the file, then Share once it’s uploaded.

screenshot panopto share button

3. Select "Outputs"

screenshot panopto outputs

4. Select "View Podcast" and copy the hyperlink from the browser

Link will open new browser tab/window.

screenshot panopto outputs copy

5. Share the link with the Captioning Service

Once you fill out the basic information on the Request Form, click on the "Share Links" radio button.

screen shot panopto request form first step

6. Paste the link from Panopto

 Select "Next" to proceed.

screen shot panopto request form second step